Air Conditioning Maintenance

Servicing & Maintenance
Fully maintained systems should last for 10 years or more where as a system that is never serviced could malfunction beyond repair in less than 4 years.
We give our customers the information they need to keep their Air Conditioning system maintained themselves. Regular maintenance should involve removing and cleaning the filters on the indoor units. Also it is important to check the drainage pipe on the outside to make sure it is not blocked. Finally testing the temperature to make sure it is blowing out either hot or cold air.
As soon as your system starts to show symptoms such as the temperature not getting as hot or cold as normal, we recommend contacting us so that we can check the system properly. Of course we do not expect all of our customers to undertake the simple servicing techniques mentioned above. However, as they are required for optimum efficiency of your system, our customers can always contact us to arrange a call out to clean the filters and make sure everything is running as expected.
Lastly if any faults are found we can repair them straight away.
Useful Information
It is better to do the simple things for free and when you notice performance issues contact a professional as soon as possible. There are many companies and individuals working on the Costa Del Sol that are not interested in doing a good job or maintaining systems correctly and concentrate mainly on getting in and out of jobs quickly and make as much money as easily as they can.
This leads them to do things such as re-gassing peoples air conditioning systems without actually fixing the leak. The refrigerant in an Air Conditioning system will last forever if the system was installed correctly and as long as there is no leak in the system. However, many companies will just re-gas the system as this means they will get another call back next year or they will say they have re-gassed the system without actually doing it.
This is bad for many reasons not only will it cost you a large sum of money every year for them to come back to re-gas the system plus as the system will rarely have the correct charge of refrigerant inside, it will be constantly working harder which will drive up your electricity bill. Also they are not servicing the system correctly which could lead to breakdowns.